
We’ll listen, not lecture.

Hey guys! This week Nightline hosted a BBQ by the lake! Proud to say it’s the first event of the year and I was lucky enough to be one of the publicity ambassadors! Since this is the very first year for Nightline to be established, most students have no clue what we stand for, so during Mental Health awareness week, we set up stalls outside simply fresh with a little game called Pin the tail on the pony(I learnt it was an English traditional game, guessing its been around for a while!)

Essentially, Nightline is a free listening service by students for students; students are encouraged to call if they ever feel like speaking to someone or just someone there on the other end to listen!

Even though it was the first ever event Nightline has hosted, I gotta say, we as publicity ambassadors did a pretty good job at marketing the event! In all honesty, we only expected a small group to show up, approximately 200 people, but clearly more people showed up! Surprised to say, many people were curious about Nightlline, we approached some of the students personally and answered some of the questions they’ve had about the service!

In Nightline we stand with 5 key aspects: Non-judgemental, Confidential, Anonymous, Non-advisory and Non-directive.

On big misconception about Nightline is that students believe they have to be sick in order to call, but no no no no…call us whenever about whatever you want!! We will only give you information if you ask, none of your personal details will be let out or kept for records, its a one time thing, or rather ‘no strings attached!’ 

Currently, we’re open 7PM-7AM on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights during term time.

If you guys are interested, check out the union page for Nightline and the Careers blog!

However, next year we will be creating a proper committee for Nightline, though if you’d like to know more about the service, email the union!

later peeps!
