Monday is the new Friday?

  Exam period is very stressful for most people and for those who are away from home, it might be even tougher. For the past week, I was feeling a bit defeated and I could not find the motivation to study.  I feel like that was only natural, especially because I have been home bound […]

Homebound Christmas

Hello, I hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday!   Everybody has different plans for Christmas, whether that’s traveling or simply having a nice dinner with friends and family.  This is the first Christmas I’ve spent away from home.  It was my decision to stay behind this year because I knew what was coming after the […]

Why Surrey?

It’s good to see regular updates in the Hong Kong blog with my other two partners from Hong Kong! If you have any individuals questions, please feel free to email us at One of the questions I received the most is “Why did you choose Surrey?” or “Why did you study aboard?”, so let’s talk […]

A Well-Deserved Break

It is officially winter break!!  I hope everyone is enjoying their well-deserved break.  I hope you are enjoying my content so far, do let me know if there’s anything you want me to focus on. For the past week, I was feeling quite stressed about my exams and course works and I felt like it […]

Young’s Christmas Lunch and Mindfulness Evening

Hi everyone! Hope you are doing well! Thanks Jelena for sharing her placement experience with us, I found it particularly useful since I am now looking for a placement; and thanks Katie for sharing some tips with us for how not to procrastinate! It is so nice to have more people blogging and sharing their different […]

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