‘Free From’ Procrastination

Hello everyone! I cannot believe Christmas is just around the corner, I am super excited! Yesterday I went out and had an early dinner with my course mates, we have been trying to get together for a while and it finally happened!  We went to Wagamamas and chatted for two straight hours about everything, from […]

My placement experience

Hello lovely people! How was your week? It’s finally December! I am freezing as it is already minus degree in Guildford… Keep warm everyone, Christmas is just round the corner! (YEY!!!) (Oh I really love our campus…. lovely as always even in this freezing weather!) So… as promised, I will be sharing about my placement experiences […]

Updates & First Interview for Placement!

Hi everyone! It’s Diana! Hope you are doing well. Sorry I didn’t blog last week as I wasn’t feeling too well 🙁 but I am feeling better now so here I am again to share the bits and pieces of my uni life with you! <3 🙂 I have started applying for placement in late October and […]

Hassle Free Travel: My Trip to Sheffield!

Hello everyone!  I am a new blogger and my name is Katie 🙂 I have been in the UK for a little bit more than a year now and I haven’t actually been around, except for London.  Before I came here, I thought I would be visiting somewhere every month but it obviously did not […]

Jelena’s is back!

Hello the HK blog! It has been a looooooong time since I last posted on this blog so let me introduce myself one more time. I am Jelena and I am currently studying Sociology, Culture and Media in final year. I went on placement last year back in Hong Kong, which is also why there wasn’t any […]

From First Year to Second Year

Hi guys! It’s me, Diana! How is life? And are you getting used to the cold weather? Make sure to keep warm and don’t catch a cold! I have been very busy lately with my coursework and part-time jobs. I have just submitted my stats assignment today and I have got 2 more reports and 1 […]

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