Exams and My Revenue Management Class

Hello, The first year of my life in Surrey is coming to an end. Last Friday, we are all done with our classes for this semester, which means that we can no longer meet our colleagues who are studying one-year master in Uni anymore, unless we decided to hang out! I knew that time really […]

Study Tips for Exams Period

Hi all! Hope you guys are doing well and working really hard for whatever exams you have. I just had my last CHIP (Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology) lecture this afternoon, this means that I am officially done with my first year at university after my exams in June. Time flies! I have been […]

Relaxing Events These Days Since Exams Are Coming Up!!

Hello, everyone! The weather here has getting warmer and warmer now and it has over 20 degrees these days! Everyone just simply wants to stay outdoor and enjoy the sunshine. Our Students’ Union was so kind to hold two outdoor events last Friday and Saturday night. They were the “Free Fest Outdoor Cinema” and “Free […]

Holi Hungama 2016 & MindSoc & ABACUS

Hi all, the weather here has been very warm and sunny recently. Everyone seems to be enjoying the weather, you can see a lot of students sitting on the grass by the lake just talking to their friends and chilling. Perfect for stress relief, especially when exams are coming in less than a month. Couple […]

AGMs and Events Around the Campus!

Hello~ It’s the time for the AGMs (annual general meetings) of different societies to elect their new members of the committee. I participated in those the societies I have joined, such as the Taekwondo club. It was a competitive election and it’s so nice to have our new committee members. This year’s committee have been […]

My Trip To Paris

Hi guys, I hope you all have had a lovely week. The weather has been very warm and sunny, finally I don’t have to bring my great coat every time I go out. As I said before, I am going to talk about my trip to Paris with my family in this blog post. 🙂 […]

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