Surrey meets Indonesia

An insight into life at Surrey from a current Indonesian student

Nice Weekend

Hi, Lina here. This weekend makes me really happy. Not only I get to meet someone but also, when he arrived, we get to watch and play with my society. Okay. So a friend of mine from outside Guildford is coming over for hang out and chill. When my friend arrived (on Friday), I ask […]

Hang out with friend

Hi guys!! Back again with Lina. How are you guys? I hope you are well and healthy so does your family and your acquaintances 🙂 So yesterday I went hangout with my friend. Remember the post that I told you about I went to an anime/cosplay community? I went with the same person when I […]

Part- Time Career Fair

Hey guys!! Meet again with me, Lina. How are you? I hope you are okay, healthy and eating well. So! I recently attend a small job fair that the Uni held in one of their venue place (The Rubix, it is near student union building!). The reason I attended that, is just to look and […]

First Week After Holiday

Hey!! Back again with Lina! First week after the holiday… it’s so quick to pass~ Been sick and in bed for the past 3 days due to monthly sickness~ (I’m prone to have severe pain whenever I’m in my “female sickness”). Anyway, I’m fine now due to constant sleep and rest in my three days […]

Fresher weeks

  Hey!! Back again with me, Lina. It’s already 4 days (I guess) since I wrote something to you guys. Also, I am currently is in Holiday!! Whelp, hopefully all those hard studies that I put through are all worthwhile. Anyway, There has been a get together with Surrey Indo-Soc! (Unfortunately, I can’t come as […]

Whooohooo!! Exam Finish!!

Hi all!! Back again with Lina!! Finally, done with my exam!! I was wishing to go and have some words here and there, when the exam literally finish on Friday. But I’m too tired to even wake up properly when I came home. Anyway, since I got the time now, This is time I show […]

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