Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

How I found a part-time job at Surrey

Hi there! I hope that you guys are alright during the coronavirus pandemic. Obviously, it is a difficult time for us but I believe that we will together overcome the difficulties! I am currently back in Malaysia for my Easter break- it’s good to be home! As I mentioned in the last blog, I would […]

‘Living off campus?’- 3.0

Hi everyone! Last week, I talked about some key terms before signing a contract for private accommodation. This blog would be about some advice when you organize house viewings and moving in. Firstly, the properties of USL are not allowed for viewings, but USL will attach some photos of the interior of the house in […]

Applying for International Placement at FHMS Partner Laboratories

Hello, everyone! Results for semester one has come out, and I know people are scattered on the ‘happy’ to ‘disappointed’ spectrum. My results? That’s a secret. Though I must say that although there was a massive increase in workload for year 2, it is still manageable and I know you all can get through it! […]

‘Living off-campus?’- 2.0

Morning guys! It’s me again. In this blog, I would like to continue sharing my experience of finding private accommodation. I have discussed some important factors to be considered in my last blog. Now, I would like to explain some terms that you may come across during application. I have concluded the information based on […]

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