Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Bye UK, Hello Holidays!

Hey guys! Happy Chinese New Year! May this year of Rooster bring more love, joy, peace and prosperity for all of you that are reading this! ๐Ÿ™‚ This is officially my last post so I would really love to say thank you for all the readers out there for following my posts till now. ๐Ÿ™‚ […]

Student / Work Life in UK vs MYS

Hey peeps! Sorry for the delay in blogging again as I’ve been really busy at work. Oh yea did I mentioned my student visa is expiring this coming Sat so I’m leaving UK temporarily for a trip to Norway? So yea I’m leaving to Norway on Thursday, but this is the busiest time in office, […]

A Wild Heart – Part 1

Here comes to an end of the first week of exam. I had only 1 exam in the first week and then the next one in on the 27th. About 10 days in between. Hmm…So here comes the question : to travel or not to travel?ย (think think think…) Revision…..? Work…..? Stay in the library for […]

Placement year experience at RWE Supply & Trading!

Hi everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ Iโ€™m knee-depth in examinations right and had my first paper earlier this week. One down and three more to go: onwards and forwards I say! I literally canโ€™t wait till my final paper on Friday which believe it not, is from 6.30-8.30pm. Iโ€™ll basically be going straight from the examination hall to […]

‘Let’s take a walk’

Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been blogging for a few turns because I’ve unexpectedly come down with the flu. My antibodies are just totally in sync with the university’s exam schedule *sigh* maybe it kinda had something to do with me laying in snow without the enough layers on haha I’ve been spending a lot […]

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