Paper of Dorje Brody on open quantum dynamics for plant motions published in Scientific Reports

The paper “Open quantum dynamics for plant motions“, authored by Dorje Brody, has been published in the Nature journal Scientific Reports.The paper makes the observation that equations governing the dynamics of open quantum systems are applicable in biology. As examples of dynamics in biology, motions of plants — specifically, heliotropism and gravitropism — are modelled, which in turn are used to estimate (in bits) the amount of information processed by plants about their environmental conditions. Assuming that much of information processed by plants are erased, from the Landauer principle in computing one finds that erasure of information results in the increase of environmental entropy. In particular, the estimates on the efficiency of information processing in plants suggest that they are a lot more efficient than the best computers available to us. The paper is open access and available (link here).

Figure 1 from the paper.