Paper of Anne Skeldon on “the need for mathematical models” published in Sleep Health

The paper “On the need for mathematical models for integration of sleep, circadian, and environmental science for sleep health policies“, co-authored by Derk-Jan Dijk (Surrey Sleep Research Centre) and Anne Skeldon, has been published in the journal Sleep Health (link to published paper here). The background to this paper: there was a 70th birthday conference in honour of Chuck Czeisler (Harvard webpage here and wikipedia page here) in 2022. Derk-Jan Dijk was an invited participant as a long term and important collaborator of Czeisler’s. As a result of the meeting a number of articles were written in celebration of Czeisler’s work in circadian and sleep research. The purpose of this paper is to argue the case for the importance of mathematics for sleep health policies. The image below shows Figure 1 from the paper.