Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

London Mathematical Society awards a Research in Pairs grant to Camilla Nobili

Camilla Nobili has been awarded a Research in Pairs grant (Award date 14 February) by the London Mathematical Society. This grant awards £1200 to Camilla to host a visitor at the University of Surrey in order to engage in a joint research project. The project is on “Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations” and the visitor is Prof Giuseppe Coclite […]

Lewis Napper passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Lewis Napper for passing his PhD viva! The viva took place on Thursday 20 February. The title of Lewis’ thesis is “Geometric Techniques in PDE Theory, Fluid Dynamics, and Relativity“. The external examiner was Prof Jan Slovak (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), and the internal examiner was Dr James Grant. Lewis‘ primary supervisor was Martin […]

Paper of Peter Williams voted one of the top papers in the British Journal of General Practice in 2024

A paper of Peter Williams has been voted #2 in the top ten papers published in the British Journal of General Practice in 2024 (announcement here). The paper is “First contact physiotherapy: an evaluation of clinical effectiveness and costs“. It is available open access (link here). The paper has an interdisciplinary team of 14 authors […]

Paper of Camilla Nobili on rigorous analysis of the Boussinesq equations published in ZAMP

The paper “Large-time behavior of the 2D thermally non-diffusive Boussinesq equations with Navier-slip boundary conditions“, co-authored by Fabian Bleitner (University of Hamburg & McMaster University), Elizabeth Carlson (Cal Tech) and Camilla Nobili, has been published this week in Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (open access link here). Fabian was a PhD student of Camilla […]

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