Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Turner-Norbury paper to appear in the Journal of Atmospheric Science

The paper “Non-uniqueness in a Single Column Model for Moist Convection” co-authored by Matt Turner and John Norbury (University of Oxford) has been accepted for publication in Journal of Atmospheric Science. The paper investigates moist convection in a column of atmosphere divided into a number of air parcels. When these individual air parcels become saturated […]

Ying Huang passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Ying Huang for passing his PhD viva today (Monday 4 November)! The External Examiner was Mark Cooker (East Anglia) and the Internal Examiner was Anne Skeldon. Ying‘s supervisor is Matt Turner. The title of Ying’s thesis is: “Dynamic Coupling between Fluid Motion and Rectilinear Vessel Motion in a System of Connected Vessels“.

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