Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Naratip Santitissadeekorn attends Royal Statistical Society Conference in Cardiff

Naratip Santitissadeekorn attended the 2018 Royal Statistical Society Conference in Cardiff from 3-6 September.  It is the largest annual conference on statistics in the UK and attracts over 600 delegates. At the conference Naratip presented a poster on “Sequential data assimilation of the 1D self-exciting process with application to urban crime data”.  A link to […]

Andrea Fontanella passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Andrea Fontanella for passing his PhD viva today!  The examiners were Jerome Gauntlett (Imperial College London), Bogdan Stefanski (City University London), and the internal Chair was Martin Wolf. The title of his thesis is “Black horizons and integrability in string theory“.  His project was supervised by Jan Gutowski.

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