Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Huang-Turner paper to appear in Physical Review Fluids

The paper “Dynamic fluid sloshing in a one-dimensional array of coupled vessels” co-authored by Ying Huang and Matt Turner has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids. The paper identifies multiple (n+1)-fold 1:…:1 resonances in a system of N coupled vessels in a 1D array, with each vessel containing a sloshing fluid. The vessels […]

Two papers of Jan Gutowski appear in the J High Energy Physics

Two papers co-authored by Jan Gutowski have appeared in the Journal of High Energy Physics in 2017.   The paper “Dynamical symmetry enhancement near N=2, D=4 gauged supergravity horizons“, co-authored with T. Mohaupt (Liverpool) and G. Papadopoulos (Kings College London), was published in March, link here. The paper “Calibrated entanglement entropy“, co-authored with I. Bakhmatov (Pohang, […]

Paper of Alessandro Torrielli on AdS2/CFT1 appears in Journal of Physics A

The paper “On AdS2/CFT1 transfer matrices, Bethe ansatz and scale invariance” sole authored by Alessandro Torrielli, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. A link to the final form arXiv version is here. In the paper, he explicitly calculates the AdS2×S2×T6 transfer-matrix eigenvalues in the massless sector using […]

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