Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Delahaies-Roulstone paper on DALEC v2 appears in EGU GMD

The paper Constraining DALEC v2 using multiple data streams and ecological constraints: analysis and application” by Sylvain Delahaies, Ian Roulstone, and Nancy Nichols (Reading) has just been published in the journal Geoscientific Model Development, published by the European Geophysical Union.  The paper uses a variational method to assimilate multiple data streams into the terrestrial ecosystem […]

Sean Cleator passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Sean Cleator who passed his PhD confirmation examination today (Thursday 9th February).  His confirmation report is titled “Glacial and holocene climates reconstructed by vegetation-model inversion“.  The examiners were Philip Aston and Anne Skeldon.   His supervisors are Ian Roulstone, Sandy Harrison (Reading) and Nancy Nichols (Reading).

Applied Geometric Mechanics network re-funded by LMS

The Applied Geometric Mechanics Network has been funded by the London Mathematical Society for another year.  The network is led by Cesare Tronci and links research groups at Brunel, Imperial, and Surrey.  The grant provides funds for three AGM meetings over the course of the year.  New themes this year are stochastic Hamiltonian dynamics and […]

Joakim Stromvall passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Joakim Stromvall who passed his PhD confirmation examination on Wednesday the 25th of January.  His confirmation report is titled “Hopf superalgebras and massless scattering in the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence“.  The examiners were Jock McOrist and Cesare Tronci.   His supervisors are Alessandro Torrielli and Martin Wolf.

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