Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Anne Skeldon interviewed for Linkedin at the Eindhoven Lighting Conference

At the 2024 IEEE Sustainable Smart Lighting Conference in Eindhoven (see blog post here), Anne Skeldon was interviewed by Prof Jean-Paul Linnartz, a Professor at Eindhoven University and one of the organisers of the conference. In the interview Jean-Paul explored how a mathematician proceeds to step back and forth between formal analytical evaluations and solving […]

David Lloyd and a team from Surrey Space Centre publish a paper in the Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics

The paper “Nonlinear Propagation of Non-Gaussian Uncertainties” , co-authored by Giacomo Acciarini (SSC, ESA), Nicola Baresi (SSC), David Lloyd, and Dario Izzo (ESA), has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics (SSC=Surrey Space Centre and ESA=European Space Agency). A final form preprint is available on the arXiv (link here). The […]

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