Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Bernasconi, Furber, and Sullinge-Farrall speak at the SIAM Student Chapter Conference at Oxford

Rachel Bernasconi, Jessica Furber, and Elliott Sullinge-Farrall attended the SIAM UKIE National Student Chapter Conference 2023 (link here), hosted by the University of Oxford (1-2 June). Jessica presented a 12 minute talk, titled: “Spending Energy for a Reward: Understanding the Fine Movements of Badgers“; Rachel presented a 12 minute talk, titled “Owls, larks, and tongues. […]

Anne Skeldon is an invited speaker at mathematical biology conference at the University of Edinburgh

Anne Skeldon was in Edinburgh last week (24-25 May) for a conference on “Separation of time scales in biology“, held at the Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh (conference website here). Anne was an invited speaker and talked on “The fast-slow dynamics of sleep regulation“, which was based on joint work with Gianne Derks (Leiden) and […]

New postdoc Shresth Gupta is working with Philip Aston on IAA-funded project

Shresth Gupta has joined the Department today (Monday 22 May) as a postdoc working with Philip Aston. His project lasts for 9 months, is funded by UKRI via an Impact Acceleration Account. The project is entitled “Blood Glucose Estimation from Photoplethysmography Signals to Enable Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring for Diabetics”. Shresth has just finished his […]

Daniele Bielli passes PhD viva at both Surrey and Milano-Bicocca

Danielle Bielli is a PhD student on the joint degree between the University of Milano-Bicocca and the University of Surrey. On Monday 22 May, Daniele passed the PhD viva at both institutions. The title of his thesis was “Non-abelian T-duality in superspace“. The external thesis reviewers were Gabriele Tartaglino-Mazzucchelli (University of Queensland) and Pietro Grassi […]

Paper of Alessandro Torrielli on infinite-dimensional R-matrices to appear in JHEP

The paper “Infinite dimensional R-matrices for the relativistic scattering of massless modes on AdS_2“, co-authored by Juan Miguel Nieto García (formerly a postdoc at Surrey, now at Hamburg University), Roberto Ruiz (Madrid University), and Alessandro Torrielli, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of High Energy Physics. In the paper they construct infinite-dimensional R-matrices […]

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