Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Werner Bauer, Paul Bergold, and Cesare Tronci speak at GSI 2023 in Saint-Malo France

The sixth international conference on Geometric Science of Information (GSI 23) was held last week (30 August to 1st September) in Saint-Malo, Palais du Grand Large, France (website here). Werner Bauer spoke about joint work with Rüdiger Brecht on “Casimir-dissipation stabilized stochastic rotating shallow-water equations on the sphere“. Paul Bergold spoke about joint work with […]

Dominic Stone, Polina Vytnova and Sergey Zelik speak at Dynamics Days in Lanzhou China

Dominic Stone, Polina Vytnova, and Sergey Zelik travel to China this week for Dynamics Days in Lanzhou (12-22 September). Dominic will give a talk on “The non-autonomous Navier-Stokes-Brinkman-Forchheimer equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions: dissipativity, regularity, and attractors“, Polina will give a series of three one-hour lectures on “A dynamical viewpoint on resonances of hyperbolic surfaces”, […]

Four mathematicians elected Fellows of the Surrey Insitute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence

Four mathematicians (Philip Aston, Werner Bauer, David Lloyd, Naratip Santitissadeekorn) have been elected to Fellowship in the Surrey AI Centre (link here). This pan-university institute brings together Surrey’s core AI-related expertise in vision, speech and signal processing, computer science, and mathematics, with its domain expertise across engineering and physical sciences, human and animal health, law […]

Paper of Dorje Brody on quantum biology published in Proceedings A of the Royal Society of London

The paper “Biological efficiency in processing information in green plants“, co-authored by Dorje Brody and Anthony J. Trewavas (University of Edinburgh), has been published today (16 August) in the Proceedings A of the Royal Society of London. It is published open access (link here). Green plants form the basis of almost all food chains on […]

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