Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Alessandro Torrielli gives online seminar at Osaka Metropolitan University in Japan

Alessandro Torrielli has given an online seminar in the School of Science, Department of Physics, Osaka Metropolitan University, in Japan, today (Monday 6 March). The title of his talk was “Massless integrable scattering in the AdS/CFT correspondence“. His host for the visit was Professor MORIYAMA Sanefumi (link here), who is one of Alessandro’s former collaborators. […]

Research of Cesare Tronci on symplectic geometry and Koopman dynamics profiled in the LMS Newsletter

This month’s London Mathematical Society Newsletter (which is sent to all LMS members around the world) has a feature article describing Cesare Tronci’s research. The title of the article is “Symplectic geometry and Koopman dynamics at the Quantum-Classical interface“. A link to the published newsletter is available (link here). The paper describes a new perspective […]

Fabio Marino passes PhD Confirmation Examination

Congratulations to Fabio Marino for passing his PhD confirmation examination! It was held on Friday 17th February, and the examiners were Masanori Hanada and Cesare Tronci. The title of his project is “The (P)SL(2,Z) S-dualisation toolkit””. Fabio is a student on the dual doctorate programme and is currently at Milano Bicocca being supervised by Sara […]

Paper of Bevan, Deane, and Zelik, on the Poincaré inequality, published in Proceedings of the AMS

The paper “A sharp Poincaré inequality for functions in W(1,I)“, co-authored by Jonathan Bevan, Jonathan Deane, and Sergey Zelik, has been published in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. The novelty is the proof is in the space of functions W(1,I)=W^{1,\infty}(\Omega,R) and it is sharp. The domain Omega is bounded and convex. A link […]

Paper of Roberto D’Onofrio on optimal transport and Monge-Ampère geometry published in JGP

The paper “A note on optimal transport and Monge-Ampère geometry“, with sole author Roberto D’Onofrio, has been published in the Journal of Geometry and Physics (link to published version). In the paper he identifies a novel connection between a recently introduced pseudo-Riemannian framework for optimal mass transport and the geometry of Monge-Ampère equations. The theory […]

Paper of David Lloyd on localised dihedral patterns accepted for publication in Nonlinearity

The 60-page paper “Approximate localised dihedral patterns near a Turing instability“, co-authored by Dan Hill (Saarlandes, Germany), Jason Bramburger (Concordia, Canada), and David Lloyd, has been accepted for publication in Nonlinearity. The final form preprint can be found on the arXiV (link here). The paper presents a comprehensive approach to the problem of localised 2D […]

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