Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Sergey Zelik published in the Journal of Differential Equations

The paper “Determining functionals and finite-dimensional reduction for dissipative PDEs revisited“, co-authored by Varga Kalantarov (Koç University, Turkey), Anna Kostianko (Imperial College London), and Sergey Zelik, has been published in the Journal of Differential Equations (link here). The paper studies the properties of linear and non-linear determining functionals for dissipative dynamical systems generated by PDEs. […]

Jessica Furber passes PhD confirmation examination

Congratulations to Jessica Furber for passing her PhD confirmation examination! It was held on Wednesday 23rd November, and the examiners were Joaquin Prada (Vet School) and Naratip Santitissadeekorn. The title of Jessica’s project is “Mathematical Analysis of Fine-Scale Badger Movement Data“. Her project supervisors are Stefan Klus (Herriot Watt), Mark Chambers (Vet School), Giovanni Lo […]

Roberto D’Onofrio gives virtual talk in the Geometry of Differential Equations seminar in Moscow

Roberto D’Onofrio is speaking today (Wednesday 16 November) in the Geometry of Differential Equations Seminar, hosted at the Independent University of Moscow. The talk is via zoom (link to the seminar page here) and the title is “Monge-Ampère geometry and semigeostrophic equations” and the abstract is at the above link. The talk is based on […]

Invited review paper of Masanori Hanada published in the European Physical Journal

The paper “Partial deconfinement: a brief overview“, co-authored by Masanori Hanada and Hiromasa Watanabe (Kyoto University) has been published in the Special Topics section of the European Physical Journal. The confinement/deconfinement transition in gauge theory plays important roles in physics, including the description of thermal phase transitions in the dual gravitational theory. Partial deconfinement implies […]

Article by Dorje Brody on the mathematics of impartial reporting published in The Conversation

The article “How mathematics can help the BBC with impartial reporting“, by Dorje Brody, has been published today (Wednesday 9 November) in “The Conversation“. The article shows how mathematics, in the form of information theory, can be a guide in assessing impartiality. According to information theory, impartiality can be measured by a metric called mutual […]

Paper of Sergey Zelik on the Kwak transform published in Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations

The paper “Kwak transform and inertial manifolds revisited“, co-authored by Anna Kostianko (Imperial College London) and Sergey Zelik, has been published in the Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (open access published paper here). The paper gives sharp spectral gap conditions for existence of an inertial manifold (IM) for abstract semilinear parabolic equations with non-selfadjoint […]

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