Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Ryan Poole passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Ryan Poole for passing his PhD viva today (Wednesday 13 November)! The title of Ryan’s thesis is “The Effects of Wall Compliance on the Stability of Jets and Wakes“. Ryan‘s primary supervisor was Matt Turner, and his second supervisor was Bin Cheng. The external examiner was Jonathan Healey (University of Keele) and the internal […]

Paper of Martin Wolf on metric BV* algebras published in Fortschritte der Physik

The paper “Double Copy From Tensor Products of Metric BV*-Algebras“, co-authored by Leron Borsten (University of Hertfordshire), Branislav Jurčo (Charles University, Prague), Hyungrok Kim (University of Hertfordshire), Tommaso Macrelli (ETH Zurich), Christian Saemann (Heriot-Watt University), and Martin Wolf, has been published open access (link here) in Fortshcritte der Physik. Field theories with kinematic Lie algebras […]

Paper of Sergey Zelik on vector reaction-diffusion equations published in Mathematische Nachrichten

The paper “Nonconcentration phenomenon for one-dimensional reaction–diffusion systems with mass dissipation“, co-authored by Juan Yang (Lanzhou & Graz, Austria), Anna Kostianko (Imperial, Moscow, Zhejiang), Chunyou Sun (Lanzhou), Bao Quoc Tang (Graz, Austria), and Sergey Zelik, has been published in Mathematische Nachrichten. The paper removes an entropy assumption in previous work to successfully obtain global boundedness […]

Michele Coti Zelati visits Maths@Surrey for Colloquium talk and research interaction

Michele Coti Zelati, a Royal Society University Research Fellow and proleptic Professor at Imperial College London, visited Maths@Surrey today (Friday 8 November). He engaged in research discussion with Camilla Nobili and her PhD student Johannes Benthaus, and gave a talk in the Friday Mathematics Colloquium. Michele’s talk was on “Hydrodynamic Stability and Wave Propagation“. The […]

Anne Skeldon gives a seminar at the Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology at Warwick

On Monday 28 October, Anne Skeldon, visited the Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology and Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (SBIDER), a cross-disciplinary institute hosted by the Mathematics Institute at the University of Warwick, and gave a talk in the SBIDER Seminar series. The title of her talk was “Mathematical modelling of the sleep-wake cycle: light, clocks […]

Paper of Camilla Nobili on scaling laws for Rayleigh-Bénard convection published in JFM

The paper “Scaling laws for Rayleigh-Bénard convection between Navier-slip boundaries“, co-authored by Fabian Bleitner (Hamburg) and Camilla Nobili, has been published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics (link here). Fabian is a PhD student of Camilla, based at the University of Hamburg (link here). The paper considers the two-dimensional Rayleigh–Bénard convection problem between Navier-slip fixed-temperature […]

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