Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Stefan Klus on a novel machine learning algorithm published in JNLS

The paper “Dimensionality reduction of complex metastable systems via kernel embeddings of transition manifolds“, co-authored by Andreas Bittracher (FU Berlin), Stefan Klus, Boumediene Hamzi (Imperial & AlFaisal), Péter Koltai (FU Berlin) & Christof Schütte (Zuse Institute), has been published in the Journal of Nonlinear Science. The paper presents a novel kernel-based machine learning algorithm for […]

Alessandro Torrielli’s paper on lower dimensional AdS/CFT to appear in JHEP

The paper “Free fermions, vertex Hamiltonians, and lower-dimensional AdS/CFT“, co-authored by Alessandro Torrielli in collaboration with a team at Trinity College Dublin (Marius de Leeuw, Chiara Paletta, Anton Pribytok, and Ana Retore), has been accepted for publication in the Journal of High Energy Physics. The final form version can be found on the arXiv here, […]

Dave Lloyd’s paper on homoclinic snaking of hexagons to appear in SIADS

The paper “Hexagon invasion fronts outside the homoclinic snaking region in the planar Swift-Hohenberg equation“, by Dave Lloyd, has been accepted for publication in the SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS). The final form arXiv version can be found here. The paper uses a far-field core decomposition to set up a numerical path-following routine […]

Paper of Jon Bevan and Jonathan Deane on rigorous analysis of buckling to appear in JNDEA

The paper “A continuously perturbed Dirichlet energy with area-preserving stationary points that ‘buckle’ and occur in equal-energy pairs“, co-authored by Jon Bevan and Jonathan Deane, has been accepted for publication in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications (a link to the journal webpage is here). The paper exhibits a family of parameter-dependent convex functionals with infinitely […]

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