Surrey Mathematics Research Blog

The blog on research in mathematics at the University of Surrey

Paper of Matt Turner to appear in the European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids.

The paper “Homann stagnation-point flow impinging on a biaxially stretching surface“, coauthored by Matt Turner and Patrick Weidman (University of Colorado), has been accepted for publication in the European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids. The paper identifies exact solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations when a stretching surface is placed below a stagnation point flow. Four branches of […]

Jacob Brooks passes PhD viva

Congratulations to Jacob Brooks for passing his PhD viva on Thursday 26 November! Jacob’s thesis is entitled “Inhomogeneous semi-linear wave equations“. The External Examiner was Prof Dr Peter van Heijster of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) in the Netherlands, and the Internal was Tom Bridges. The viva was chaired by Jonathan Deane. The project was […]

Alessandro Torrielli gives a virtual seminar in the Integrability, Dualities and Deformations Series

Alessandro Torrielli gave a virtual seminar today (Wednesday 18 November) in the Integrability, Dualities and Deformations Seminar Series. The title of his talk is “How one massless TBA was exactly solved“. In the talk, he reviewed the exact solution of the massless relativistic Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz which describes the non-trivial BMN limit of massless right-right […]

Philip Aston part of a team awarded UKRI funding for physiological sensor research

A multidisciplinary team led by Prof Christian Heiss (FHMS) and including Prof Philip Aston, Dr David Birch (FEPS, Engineering), Prof Simon Skene (FHMS), and Dr Radu Sporea (FEPS, EE), have been awarded a £50k Healthy Ageing Catalyst Award, granted by UKRI, to facilitate a one-year research project on creating a low-cost prototype device for monitoring […]

Paper of Sergey Zelik on Lieb-Thirring inequalities on manifolds published by JFA

The paper “Lieb–Thirring constant on the sphere and on the torus” co-authored by A. Ilyin, A. Laptev, and S. Zelik, has been published in the Journal of Functional Analysis. The paper proves, on the 2-sphere and on the 2-torus, the Lieb–Thirring inequalities with improved constants, for orthonormal families of scalar and vector functions. A link […]

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