How time flies!
We are already in the 2nd half of the year and my son decided to be born just before crossing over to the 2nd half (30th June). I know my last post was on Open day (Part 1) so naturally, I am supposed to continue with Open day (Part 2) but I just thought to share some activities that took place on my Son’s 7th birthday and the weekend with a few friends at my Manor Park accommodation on Campus…Yay!
First up, the girls had fun in a paddling bowl just right at the entrance of my flat while the boys were busy playing video games (no pictures though)
Then they had lots to eat and drink…
And he had a beautiful emoji celebration spongecake
Then he cut his cake with his friends (Please don’t mind their disheveled looks after the hard play…lol)
And another children’s party on Sunday at Rokers little Angels
It was indeed a weekend of fun for them and a good way to wrap up the first half of the year…
May I ask how the first half has been for you and what plans you have for the 2nd? Even in the heat of the world cup quarter finals, anything can happen in the 2nd half of the game so I’d encourage that you maintain your hopes and expectations in this 2nd half of the year…
I’d catch up next week with my promise on Open day (Part 2) hopefully (winks)
Till then…xxx