Hey there, it has been a while! Let me tell you how the last couple of weeks have been for me. Meeting deadlines of coursework submission! You know what that meant? Hours of Research, Coding, Debugging, report writings, and a whole lot of sleepless nights. Glad is finally over, Yeay!!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 I am going to be writing more blogs with some useful information regarding my application process, adjusting to life in Surrey, and lots more during this summer break so, watch out. For now, let me give you some of the tips that got me through those days along with the support Surrey provides during exam times. The Student’s Union launched a campaign called “Surrey Love” to support students during exam time. I will give details in a bit. Here are some of the tips that got me through my exams.
First, NEVER skip breakfast! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day according to studies. No matter how busy you are, always have time for breakfast. Cereals, eggs, or toast. I particularly love my Oats in the morning with some fruits. I always made sure that I ate something healthy throughout the day that gives me the needed energy. You might not get enough time to cook something fancy, but you can include a couple of healthy options throughout the day. Replacing snacks and other junk foods with fruits is a good option. I also made sure that I keep myself hydrated by carrying a bottle of water whenever I go to the library (I carry it almost everywhere. Lol) You can also carry fruit juices to give you an extra bit of energy. As part of Surrey Love, breakfast was served at the Hive every Wednesday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am for free during the exam time. This also included tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and juice. So, if you did not have enough time in the morning, you could always grab something on your way to your studies. Free tea/coffee was served at the hive throughout the week.
My second tip would be to have a place dedicated to your work. If you prefer to stay in your room to get your work done, make sure you have a dedicated space for working rather than staying in your bed. Personally, I like going to the library to avoid distraction at home or the tendency to take long breaks. At Surrey we have lots of comfortable study spaces. The Library and the Hive are my favourite. I especially like the Hive because there is a microwave, and you can easily warm your food ( I love preparing my meals) The library is open 24/7 throughout the year. During exam time, you can book study spaces for up to 12 hours in the library. From silent study spaces to sofa studies to individual study rooms, there is something for everyone. Our library also introduced library+ which is 110 additional individual silent study spaces during the exam period from 8 am to midnight. The library is not the only space you could study. Hive, Nest, labs, Hillside restaurant, and lots more. Hillside restaurant also provided free coffee and tea during exam time to boost your revision energy.
The next tip is the most important one and the one most often neglected especially when it gets tough and busy. WORKOUT! You do not necessarily have to hit the gym for a workout. Even a simple walk or some aerobic videos online would do. But if you prefer the gym, we got one at Surrey Sports Park (Manor Park Campus). The aim is to get you moving and burn your stress. Yoga and meditation are great ways to handle exam stress. We have an extremely beautiful campus. See some photos below.
A walk along the lakeside is one thing that makes me feel relax and let go when am stressed. I just love the beautiful, quiet, and serene lakeside.
The lakeside is not the only place to go for a walk. The mount, River Wey, Guildford castle grounds, and lots more! High street in the city centre is a place to go when you feel like easing some of the exam pressure and hang out with friends. There are some nice restaurant, bars, and shopping malls where I sometimes window shop (that’s what happens when you receive Naira and Spend in pounds. lol)
more! High street in the city centre is a place to go when you feel like easing some of the exam pressure and hang out with friends. There are some nice restaurant, bars, and shopping malls where I sometimes window shop (that’s what happens when you receive Naira and Spend in pounds. lol)
As part of Surrey love, Student union also organized wellbeing walks every Thursday. There are lots of virtual support too. Zoom mindfulness session, Extenuating Circumstances drop-in, revision session, and other support groups. It is really amazing the amount of support provided by the University!
Until my next blog… Stay safe!