“Your life is an adventure. And the adventure ahead of you is a journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.” – Kerry Washington.

On the 1st of November, 2023, the Austin Pierce Building at the University Campus was abuzz with anticipation and excitement. The International Study Centre hosted a significant event: the Progression and Scholarship Ceremony. This ceremony marked not only the successful completion of our foundation year but also celebrated the achievements of those who earned scholarships. The stillness and excitement that filled our faces could not be overstated. The ceremony symbolized a pivotal moment in our academic journey, as we prepared to transition to the next level of our education.
A Special Request
A few days before the event, I received an unexpected and thrilling request. Monika, the Transition Coordinator and Employability Champion, called me to her office. With a warm smile, she informed me that she wanted me to deliver the graduation speech for the 2023/2024 academic year. I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for being given this opportunity once again. This request was particularly special to me, as it took me back to my days in secondary school, where I served as the Head Boy and Valedictorian. Delivering the graduation speech then was one of my proudest moments. Additionally, I had founded a club called the ‘Leadership Club’, where our motto was “Translating Vision into Reality”. As the president of this club, I had numerous opportunities to showcase my leadership skills, and this speech was another platform to do so.
The Big Day
The day of the ceremony arrived, and I found myself standing at the front of the hall, surrounded by hundreds of people. There was no microphone, which could have made the situation more daunting. However, at that moment, I embraced a confidence and purpose-driven stance that allowed me to deliver a spectacular speech. The audience’s reactions were incredibly encouraging, and the speech culminated in a standing ovation. The joy and peace that filled me afterwards were indescribable. I was extremely grateful for how everything turned out.
Reflecting on the Journey
Reflecting on this journey, I realize the significance of the foundation year and the ceremony. It was not just about academic achievements but also about personal growth and development. The foundation year prepared us for the challenges ahead, and the ceremony was a testament to our hard work and dedication. It was a moment of pride for all of us, as we looked forward to the next chapter in our academic lives.
A Note of Gratitude
I am immensely grateful to Monika and the International Study Centre for this opportunity. It was a chance to reflect on our achievements, celebrate our progress, and look forward to the future with optimism. The ceremony was a reminder that with determination and hard work, we can achieve our goals and make our dreams a reality.
In conclusion, the Progression and Scholarship Ceremony was a significant milestone in our academic journey. It was a celebration of our achievements, a reflection of our growth, and an anticipation of the future. I am proud to have been a part of it and look forward to the next steps in our journey.
Thank you for being a part of this memorable experience.