Surrey meets Nigeria

This blog covers the highs and lows of living life as a Nigerian student at the University of Surrey!

My 1st night on Campus – COLD!

Hello again, Two posts ago, I had promised to share my experience on my first ‘day’ on campus but in correction it’s actually my first ‘night’ on Campus. It’s exactly 10 months and 26 days that I arrived on the University of Surrey grounds. I landed in Manor Park at about 11.56pm on the 23rd […]

Massive Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

Hello again, trust you’re good? Hmmh, me and my promises right? I know I promised to share something else but I just couldn’t resist sharing this one first and celebrating with our own…Forgive me please… It was a week-long of graduation ceremonies from the 16th to 20th of July….and we say a MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS TO […]

My travel Checklist…

Hiya, I’m here again…I actually hope you’ve been reading our past posts. If yes, kindly leave a comment to encourage future posts okay? Thanks. We are at that time where preparation must be in top gear for joining the University in September. As such, I’m writing today on my very ‘interesting’ travel checklist I complied […]

Open Day (Part 2)

Hello again… Now this is my promise to bring you open day part 2. This write-up is a non-pictorial one so please bear with me. (lol) From open day – part 1, I’m sure we had an idea of what typically happens on such days.  In simple words, it is where the University ‘OPEN’ their […]

And it was open day… (Part 1)

Hello again… The University had its open days on the 22nd and 23rd of June and there was a MASSIVE and IMPRESSIVE turnout. Fortunately, the weather was sunny and bright and people hung around the fountain savoring the beauty of the Campus… Won’t you want to get a feel of what further happened on these […]

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