Surrey meets Nigeria

This blog covers the highs and lows of living life as a Nigerian student at the University of Surrey!

Opportunities at Surrey

Back at university again from placement I feel so at home, I have been away from Guildford for 15months and I am over excited to get back into campus life. The university of Surrey offers a wide range of support services, part time jobs and activities to get involved with, so the only way you […]

Hello lovelies

My name is Ese and I am a new student ambassador for Nigeria at Surrey, I am in my final year studying Accounting and Finance. I have had three amazing years at Surrey so far, two at university and one on placement so I just have one more year until I throw my graduation cap […]

Introducing AyoDeji Lambaski!

OMG! I’m such a happy bunny right now, my post last week reached about 250 people on facebook :’) So much love for you guys, thank you for taking time out to read these posts and lets get the numbers higher, spread the good news! Okay so first things first, I would like to introduce […]

Impact of Internet on Students

Hey Guys, I hope you all are having a lovely day, and you’re looking forward to the weekend? Well I’ve got mixed feelings about the weekend, because I have a lot on my plate at the moment but hopefully I get some time off to rest. Internet has become something most people in our century, […]

Easter Break Series Part 2!

What’s up guys?! Hope you’ve had a lovely week? Mine has been quite busy, from completing and submitting reports to lab assessments….crazy I tell you! Well I’m back to complete my Easter break tale. So where do I begin? Okay…I left the Uk on the 28th of March to Belgium. First thingsĀ first, I have quite […]

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