Surrey meets Nigeria

This blog covers the highs and lows of living life as a Nigerian student at the University of Surrey!

Holiday and revision

Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope you all had a splendid holiday because I did. I went back to Nigeria after a year and a half. Can’t believe I was away that long but it’s all good. My mum being the best stocked up the house with all my food cravings. I had an amazing […]

Christmas Dinner!

Can’t believe we’ve come to the end of the first semester. How did time go by so fast?! I still remember moving in and now Christmas is already in the air. Not that i’m complaining though, I mean I get to eat to my heart’s content 😀 With that being said let me fill you […]

On my way down to my accommodation, I had butterflies in my tummy. I moved in with my sister, as my parents couldn’t come with me as it was a weekday. I did not know what to expect. One of the things that blew my mind away immediately was the accommodation, how beautiful and lovely […]

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