Surrey Physics Blog

The blog about physics at the University of Surrey

Seeing the Earth from above

The image to the left is the first picture of Earth taken from the Moon. It was taken 45 years ago and now we are all used to seeing pictures of our home planet from space. Google maps gives you a satellite image of wherever you like, e.g., the University campus, in seconds. Some of these images […]

Celebrating Rutherford at the British Science Festival

Following Paul Stevenson’s blog yesterday about some of the interesting events at this year’s British Science Festival, I thought I would add some my own favourites. I should say that the whole week, the largest science festival in Europe, held this year in Bradford, has been a resounding success. The events organised by the Physics […]

Glowing cats!

Over the years, scientists have made quite a few animals glow green (when illuminated by blue/near UV light). See an earlier post for glowing fish. Marmosets, pigs, mice etc all have been made to glow. And now cats have joined the list, thanks to the work of Wongsrikeao and coworkers. See here for a picture of […]

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