Thinking ahead on scrutiny

Absent anything useful to say/write about the chances of a deal (which seems to work really when making social media content, by the way), I’m just going to share something a bit different.

Yesterday I gave evidence in what is possibly the final enquiry of the House of Common’s Future Relationship with the EU Committee.

The subject was the future scrutiny of EU legislation and UK-EU relations by Parliament, something that has been of almost no interest beyond the confines of Westminster.

And yet the subject is one that will matter a lot in the coming months and years.

As I and my fellow witnesses – the LSE’s Sara Hagemann and the IfG’s Hannah White – all underlined, whatever comes of the current negotiations, the EU will matter a lot in British politics, whether we want it to or not.

In particular, the combination of the size and proximity of the EU to the UK means that its political, economic and regulatory effects will be much more obviously and directly felt in the UK than the US would be, regardless of any special relationship.

Throw on top of that structural reality, the likely pipeline of negotiations, agreements and implementations to operationalise any new relationship and there is good cause for Parliament to ensure that this does not fall solely into the hands of the government.

So take some time to listen to our discussion, and you can enjoy this graphic which tries to pull together the various elements involved.