Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

Go and vote

A short one today, because there’s really only one useful thing to be done: vote. Voting gets a bad rep sometimes. The choice of candidates is rubbish, it doesn’t change anything, my voice doesn’t really count, the system doesn’t work. So why bother? Bother, because even if the system isn’t perfect, even if you are […]

A business view of Brexit

I spent most of the day yesterday hanging around* a big bunch of procurement managers: I was very well-behaved and even at the point of speaking to a trio of Chief Procurement Officers I didn’t make a Star Wars droid joke. This was an annual world congress for such individuals and it was very instructive […]

The impact of UK MEPs on the European Parliament

This is my contribution to the latest UK in a Changing Europe report on “The European Elections and Brexit“, but with some added visualisation, because, well, why not? One of the paradoxes of extending the Article 50 deadline has been that more attention has been paid to the consequences of British MEPs being absent from […]

Three lessons for Brexit for the Huawei affair

Yesterday’s sacking of Gavin Williamson, following an investigation into the leaking of a decision of the National Security Council on the use of Huawei components in the UK’s 5G network, was a big shock, both for its speed and its timing (don’t forget to vote today BTW). There’s nothing to be gained at this stage […]

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