Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

EU Cash for Killer Robots?

On 23 May 2018, the Euobserver website reported that research projects developing the next generation of weapons can now apply for EU funding as part of the EU’s 500 million Euro defence investment programme. Controversially, research projects whose activities could (among other things) result in the development of Lethal Autonomous Robots (LARS) – sometimes called […]

Tell me what you want, what you really, really want

A fundament of negotiation – and indeed of politics – is the notion of interaction. They are necessarily relational constructs: us and them, me fighting the system, let’s work it out together. If politics can be about an agent’s interaction with a set of societal values rather than any one individual or group, the negotiation […]

Europe, Britain and the Iran Deal: Back to The Future?

In 2002, Robert Kagan famously wrote an article claiming that “the US is from Mars, the EU is from Venus.” He inferred that US belligerence in its push for war with Iraq, compared to the EU’s insistence on a diplomatic settlement, was a predictable consequence of the more masculine and feminine characteristics associated with these […]

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