Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

What the #EUref campaigns say: has Jo Cox’s killing changed anything?

Since January, we have been monitoring the social media accounts of the groups contesting the EU referendum, for both content and the way that they frame their arguments. The killing of Jo Cox on Thursday last week provided a natural experiment of the worst kind, with all sides halting campaigning from approximately Thursday lunchtime to […]

What the #EUref campaigns say: 17th June 2016 – The big picture

With last than a week to go until the EU referendum, the campaigns on both sides are now in overdrive. Since late January, we have been following the social media campaigns, particularly on Twitter, to understand better the messages that different groups are making, the way in which they frame and the extent to which […]

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One of the greatest inventions of human civilisation is democracy. A system of managing our common affairs through debate, compromise and consensus, the willingness to pursue a peaceful way to settling our differences is surely something that we should applaud. It is also something we should fight for. The murder of Jo Cox yesterday was […]

What the #EUref campaigns say: 10th June 2016

If you’re whether we’re near the end of this campaign, then our first chart should deal with any residual doubts. The past week has seen an explosion of activity by all groups, far in excess of any other point since our monitoring began in late January. Not only did the two official groups produce over […]

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