Politics @ Surrey

The blog of the Department of Politics at the University of Surrey

Radicals and moderates in the referendum

Last week, I wrote about intensity and direction as tensions in the campaign groups: this week I want to look at another faultline, namely that between ‘radicals’ and ‘moderates’. I use the quote marks, because radicalism is very much in the eye of the beholder, so it is hard to move beyond any subjective interpretation. […]

Intensity and direction tensions in the EU referendum campaigns

As we move into party conference season, so we also enter the world of the official campaigns for the EU referendum. Both Remain and Leave sides now have their contenders for official status in the throws of activation. This notwithstanding the continuing lack of clarity about what’s being renegotiated or by when: the calculation has […]

A (bad) path from the referendum?

I’m just back from the UACES annual conference in Bilbao where there was a lot of talk about the referendum and about euroscepticism. Nice as it was to have good turnouts for those panels, and to be buttonholed in the coffee breaks and drinks receptions, it was also clear that there was widespread disquiet about […]

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