The Professional Training Placement Experience

Follow our current students through their Professional Training placements.

My Placement Year in Outside Broadcasting

Since July 2018, I’ve been working for Arena Television as a Technical Assistant on my 12 month Professional Training Year for the Film and Video Production Technology course. Arena is a leading outside broadcast company in the UK, providing television coverage for live sporting events and light entertainment productions from the Premier League football for […]

Settling in and making the most of your placement

  Hi! I’m Georgina and I am a Digital Media Arts student. I am currently on a placement year working as a Digital Production Intern at Cartoon Network located in Central London, Soho. I have been working at Cartoon Network for 7 months already, but it does not feel like that long ago when I […]

The first 6 months of my Erasmus placement

Hey, my name is Eleni and I am a third year biomedical science student. As I’m writing this I’m surrounded by doctors and nurses hectically tending to patients and their needs. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m doing a placement in a hospital. Where you ask? In beautiful, sunny Greece. Returning to my […]

My PTY Journey: Hong Kong

    Hey guys! Welcome to “My PTY Journey: Hong Kong” series where I will be writing a monthly blog talking about my experience, the things I’ve learnt and the challenges I’ve faced. Hopefully through my experience you will get an idea of what awaits you if you are planning on going abroad, or doing […]

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