Surrey meets Russia

Stories from a Russian student at Surrey

Why did I choose my course?

Hi guys, Today I’d like to tell you a bit more about why I have chosen my course and what’s different about it, comparing to other courses on offer. As you all know already, I am a first year student, doing Media Studies with German. This is a major/minor degree, which means that the main […]

Reading week trip to Nuremberg🇩🇪😍

Hi, guys! So exams are over and everyone’s relaxed. I know this is a bit too late since this happened almost a month ago but I thought I’d still share some exciting stories with you. For the reading week, students have two options – either stay at uni or go home. If you choose to […]

I’m back after exams!!

Hi guys! It’s been a while and I’m sorry about being so silent recently! So many things have been happening in my life and I can’t wait to share them all with you! Where shall I start… Exam period! As soon as we got back to uni after Christmas holidays we all felt a bit […]

Christmas in Russia

Hey guys! It’s been a while! Home! I am finally home! This is the first thought that comes to everyone’s mind when we go back home for Christmas break. Everyone is so happy to see their families but then the realisation that you have another three weeks at home comes What now? What to do […]

Last 2 weeks before Christmas holidays🎄💫🎊

Hello everyone! Can’t believe it’s been 10 weeks in uni now and Christmas is nearly here! Last couple of weeks in uni are the most fun ones yet the the most stressful ones for some. With lots of exciting entertainment-events happening on and off campus, there are deadlines building up. The Union has organised a competition “Best […]

From College to University…

Hi guys! My name is Daria and I’m going to try to tell you as much about university life as possible on a weekly basis so that you could get a perfect feel of what it’s like to be here in the University of Surrey.🙂 So where do I even start?  I’ve been living here […]

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