Surrey meets Singapore

My life and experience as an international student at Surrey

The Holidays

I think that if there’s one thing I am really grateful for during uni it’s definitely my friends. I am super lucky to have made many amazing friends since my first year at surrey and some of them have really become my family away from home. The festive season gets a tad bit harder to […]

Nice to meet you :)

Hey everyone, I am Nitya, a final year biomedical science student! I will be your new international student ambassador for Singapore. I am really excited to share my experiences in Surrey as an international student. Hopefully, you guys will enjoy reading my posts about both my academic and social life and learn a thing or […]

🍜Some Food Ideas

Hello everyone! These are some dishes I have prepared. I’m not good at cooking but these are really simple dishes I tried to whip up. Especially during this pandemic, it is important to eat healthy and hopefully you can try these out yourselves or improve on them! ❶ French Toast + Yogurt🍞 This breakfast dish […]

💻 Studying Online

Hello everyone! As term begins again, lectures are still mainly being held online. As a Bioscience student however, we are required to attend face to face lessons on campus as well. Therefore, we will be having hybrid learning. In this post I will be sharing my experiences with online learning and what I find useful […]

📚Studying Tips

Hello guys! Since the exams are around the corner, I decided to write this blog on being productive and studying from home. I hope you will be able to try these tips if you haven’t already heard about them~! 💻Tips on Being Productive Recently, I have just finished this book on productivity. Here are the […]

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