Going to University gives students the opportunity to live independently, try new things and meet new people! There is lots of support to help students stay safe at University, continue reading to find out more.

Support at the University of Surrey
1. Wardens
Wardens are staff members that live on the University of Surrey Campus’, responsible for general welfare and discipline within student halls. For more information, click here.
2. Guildowns Student Health Centre
Students are encouraged to register with a local GP surgery in Guildford when they move to University. Guildowns Student Health Centre is located on the Stag Hill campus.
3. Centre for Wellbeing
The Centre for Wellbeing can be found on the Stag Hill campus, and has a range of counsellors, specialists and therapists to offer support on mental, psychological and emotional concerns. For more information, click here.
4. Chaplaincy
The University of Surrey has chaplains from all faiths and beliefs, available to listen to students regarding personal identity, bereavement support, faith, belief and personal issues. Visit this website to read more.
5. MySurrey Hive
The MySurrey Hive is located on Stag Hill campus, and provides support and advice on student-life related queries. Both members of staff and Peer Supporters can be found in the MySurrey Hive and can offer support on areas such as finance, accommodation, transport, visa enquiries, student success, careers and employability. Visit the MySurrey Hive website for more information.
6. Personal Tutor
Every student at the University of Surrey is allocated a personal tutor. Personal tutors are typically a member of staff from the students course, and can offer a variety of support. Students normally meet with their tutor a minimum of once a semester, but can meet more frequently as required.
7. Security Services
Security is available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, ensuring the safety and security of visitors, staff and students. In 2018, the University of Surrey was ranked the safest University, based on student experience surveys. Click here for more information about security.
8. Bereavement Support Group
The Bereavement Support Group is organised by the Chaplaincy and Students’ Union, offering a safe space for students to reflect and discuss their feelings and thoughts. There are both in-person and online support groups available.

Peer Support at the University of Surrey
1. Welfare Watch
During Students’ Union events, or events at Rubix, volunteers from the Welfare Watch are available to support students in a safe environment and help get students home safely.
2. Surrey Student Minds
Positive Minds is a peer-led, six week programme for students to discuss their mental health, within Surrey Student Minds.
3. Nightline
Nightline is a confidential, anonymous listening service, run by trained student volunteers. Students can speak over the phone, or use an online chat to discuss any concerns. Take a look at this website for more information.

External Support
Below is a list of other external support services available to students. Click on the name of the service to read more.
- Keep personal details private (including information online).
- Have a plan in place for when you go out, especially if you’re on your own.
- Don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do.
- Install security software on your electronic devices.
- Take responsibility for yourself.
- Healthy, balanced diet.
- Get enough sleep.
- If you cycle, think about bike lights, a helmet, and lock.
- Look out for others!

There is so much support available for students at the University of Surrey! Looking out for each other is so important, making sure that everyone remains safe. To read other blogs written by current students at the University of Surrey, click here!