Study tips at uni

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that studying is a key aspect of university. Studying is typically more independent than education at College or Sixth Form therefore there is a greater emphasis of students taking action of their own studying. There are lots of ways to make independent studying easier and more effective, continue reading to find out more.

Plan your time

Time management is a key skill that students learn and develop during their time at university. Students can have several commitments and activities outside of their studies such as part-time work, societies, volunteering and social events, so it is important that students learn how to plan their time and prioritise. By specifically planning your week, you can make sure that you have time to do everything you need to.

I find using a calendar on my phone the easiest as I can easily add and edit events, and I always have it with me.

Avoid re-reading notes

You’ve probably heard this a million times before, but students need to make te most of their time, so actively studying is really important. This could be through completing past paper questions, guided learning, assignments, and reading papers.

Relax in your study breaks

Relaxation and rest is vital to ensure that the time you do decide to study is productive and efficient. This could be spending time with friends, joining a society or spending time by the lake on Stag Hill campus.

When do you find it easier to study?

Everyone is different when it comes down to their most productive time of the day. For example, if you find it easier to study in the evening, plan your day around this.

Avoid distractions

Putting your phone on silent, finding a quiet space or using noise cancelling headphones is a great way to reduce any distractions to keep you focused on your studies.

Where do you study best?

There are several places where you can study… not just at the library. See below for some ideas:

  • Your room
  • MySurrey Hive
  • Cafes
  • Hillside Lounge
  • MySurrey Spark

Set goals

Setting achievable goals each day or week allows students to work towards something and stay on track. Breaking up a large piece of coursework into smaller sections is a great way to do this.

Study with others

At the University of Surrey, there are lots of places for group study. Some students find working in groups a good way to stay motivated and explain concepts to each other.

Study in smaller more frequent blocks

A common misconception is having to study for hours without a break. Studying for a short amount of time but frequently has a number of benefits for students. Using a timer on your phone is one way to implement this and have a 5 to 10 minute break between each ‘study session’.


If you need support or ideas on how to make the most of the time you spend studying, there is lots of support at the University of Surrey. Every student has a personal tutor who typically works within the department of the students degree. This means that they understand students upcoming assignments and deadlines, and any other demands of the course. In the library students also have access to Academic Skills and Development, a service that can provide support on a variety of topics such as referencing, revision and academic writing.

This blog has discussed some useful study tips at university! Speak to your friends and find out what they do to make their studying more effective; everyone has their own techniques. To read other blogs written by current students at the University of Surrey, click here.