Vice-Chancellor's blog and selected speeches

Updates from the VC’s Office about the work and activities of the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Surrey.

Speech — Doctoral College Conference: ‘Shaping Futures’, Welcome Remarks, 22 June 2021

Good morning, and welcome to ‘Shaping Futures’! Since 2016, the Doctoral College has dedicated itself to supporting the professional development of future research leaders. Working across the University, the Doctoral College has built a cohesive community and research environment, providing first class training, facilitating excellent supervision and enhancing employability skills.

Foreword — The University of Surrey Social Impact Report 2019-20

Since its foundation in 1966, the University of Surrey has been built on the energy, determination and achievements of its people, and defined by the positive contribution it has made to the communities around it and society at large. Today our economic and social impact is very substantial, thanks to our strong partnerships with students, governments, […]

Blog — Raising racial equality through meaningful culture change and sustained actions, June 2021

A couple of weeks ago we held our final ‘In Conversation’ event for this academic year on the very important topic of race equality, the Race Equality Charter and the University’s recently-launched action plan. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Education Professor Osama Khan was our host once again, and we were joined by the Academic Lead for Equality, Diversity […]

Speech – The Adams-Sweeting Lecture: Professor Dame Julia King, ‘The Path to Net Zero Emissions in the UK’, Welcome remarks, 21 April 2021

Distinguished guests, our honoured speaker Professor Dame Julia King, ladies and gentlemen: Good evening and welcome to the University of Surrey’s Adams-Sweeting Lecture. We are delighted to be hosting Professor King virtually, although of course we wish this event could be in person. This lecture series is the University’s flagship public event, featuring eminent speakers […]

Speech — ‘Fostering responsible use of metrics and data in higher education and research’, 20 April 2021

Remarks to The Westminster Higher Education Forum Policy Conference: ‘Reducing the bureaucratic burden in higher education and research: options, scope and potential impact’. Good morning. My name is Max Lu.  I am the chair of the UK Forum for Responsible Research Metrics (FRRM) and I am also a Board Director of UK Research and Innovation.  […]

Speech — ‘Future partnerships for innovation and impact’, 19 April 2021

Opening remarks to panel discussion at the THE Innovation and Impact Summit: ‘Cultivating resilience; changing the world’ Universities have long influenced the direction of innovation by educating the next generation of workers and leaders, and through our breakthrough research. Both channels rely on partnerships.

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