Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

Baby, it’s cold outside!

I went for a jog yesterday morning. Normally, this in itself is an occasion for applause (to me); but on this particular morning I went for a jog while it was raining…ICE. Yes, that’s correct. There was actual ice coming down among the normal wet droplets. To put this momentous achievement of will into context – […]

Until we meet again…Au revoir Surrey !

Hello, As you probably guessed this is my last blog post as an International Student Ambassador for the academic year 2017/2018. Just like that 12 months went by and it is now time to go back home, Côte d’Ivoire 🇨🇮 that is. I really hope that you enjoyed reading those posts just as much as I […]

Are you ready for Surrey 👩🏾‍🎓 ?

Hello Everyone! 1 month to go until some of you arrive at the University of Surrey! Are you excited? I certainly was at the same time last year. As I was reflecting on what useful information I could share with you, I thought about what I needed to know before moving to the UK 🇬🇧 and […]

Summer vibes : Dissertation, Friends & BBQ ☀️

Hello Hello, It’s been a month since my latest blog post and I am still wondering why is time passing so quickly these days? As you are probably getting ready to embark on your Surrey journey in 2 months, I just wanted to share some updates with you on my Life as a Master student! […]

It’s officially Summer 🌞 !

It’s summer and I am really excited. Summer definitely just gives a whole other ‘vibe’ to the campus and to my experience in the UK. Even though my courses ended on May 16th, if you remember from my latest blog post (READ HERE), I still had some assignments due and one exam on June 4th. […]

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