Surrey meets Africa

An insight into life at Surrey from current African students

Completing my placement!

Hi everyone! This week, England moved to Step 4 of the ‘Roadmap out of Lockdown’. The government has lifted all legal limits on social contact. This step has been a long time coming, despite this, it is important we all remember that COVID-19 is still a part of our lives so we must be cautious […]

Student Meals and Sticking it to COVID

Hi everyone! Well, it’s official; this week I finally got my first jab of the COVID vaccine and I’m feeling more enthusiastic and hopeful than ever. It feels as though we are one step closer to a COVID-free world again! As I mentioned in my last blog post, anyone over the age of 18 in […]

A trip to the West Midlands

Hi everyone! We received some encouraging news this week as anyone over the age of 18 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland became eligible to go online and book a COVID vaccination appointment! This came just as we saw a rise in the number of coronavirus cases and an increased concern over the new Delta […]

A summery weekend in the life of a placement student: I

Hi everyone! First and foremost, I hope that you are all having a lovely bank holiday weekend. This past week has been another to enjoy in the third stage of the English government’s planned lockdown easing with this week being particularly enjoyable due to the sunny weather. In this blog post, I thought that it […]

Deciding to move back into halls after placement: II

Hi everyone! This past week has been a wonderful week in England with regards to the easing of lockdown restrictions as we entered the third stage of the government’s planned lockdown easing. Among other re-openings, indoor locations like entertainment venues such as cinemas as well indoor adult group sports and exercise classes resumed with the […]

Deciding to move back into halls after placement I

Hi everyone! In my last blog post, I alluded to my decision to move back into halls after placement. I stated that I would go into depth about this decision in a future blog post. At last, the time has come; let’s talk about my university accommodation experience. This first post in this series is […]

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