Introducing Heather, the next member of SBS staff taking part in the series ‘Spotlight on’ series.

Please provide a short overview of your role at Surrey Business School.
“My role is to provide support to the School Administrative Officer and manage the diary of the Deputy Dean. I help to ensure continuity for the Business School by acting as a first and continuous point of initial contact for academics, faculty, students and parents. As well as coordinating support to all six departments and one centre within SBS – one of the largest departments within the University with over 100+ academics. Getting to know the University’s administration and finance systems has been a big part of my initial time here!
What were you doing before you joined the SBS team?
Prior to joining the School at the end of September 2019, I worked as a Senior Caseworker for my local MP for six years, acting to help the many constituents who contacted him with their concerns and problems. It was a public-facing role, with many telephone calls, emails, drop-ins. As well as the MP’s constituency surgeries to arrange and run. It involved much liaison with local councils, Government agencies and departments, large corporations and small businesses, NHS and public services, in order to help resolve the constituents’ issues.
What’s the best thing about working at SBS?
The best thing is being part of a really supportive team committed to the same objectives, of working to ensure the School’s activities run as smoothly as possible.
Tell us a bit more about yourself, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time (hobbies, passion, something we might not know)?
Much of my spare time is spent walking my two springer spaniels on the glorious commons that surround us here in Surrey, as well as looking after my horse. At 32 he’s now too old to ride, but in the 26 years we’ve had him we’ve ridden him cross-country, team-chasing, endurance riding and more! As a family, we spend our holiday’s wildlife watching, horse riding, kayaking and skiing – having amazing adventures and making wonderful memories!
Favourite inspirational quote/piece of advice?
‘Enjoy the little things in life. One day you’ll realise they were the big things.‘ I can’t believe how my two children have grown to be young adults so quickly! It’s important to cherish the everyday memories.”