Surrey Careers blog

Official blog of the University of Surrey's Employability and Careers Centre

How important is company culture to you?

It is widely known that applicants are now seeking more from their employers than in the past. Living in the digital age comes with many advantages and companies have become more inclined to accommodate the different types of work-related benefits that candidates want. For example, there has been an increase in flexible working as organisations […]

Making the most of the Easter vacation

All of a sudden, the Easter vacation is within touching distance.  Time to breathe a sigh of relief perhaps.  A chance to relax and take it easy after a challenging semester.  If only those dreaded end of year exams weren’t looming!  Somewhat annoyingly you find yourself torn between taking a well- earned rest and committing […]

International Youth Leadership Finance 2019 – Shanghai’s Advanced Institute of Finance

Georgios (George) and I (Darina)  are penultimate-year Computer Science students who were selected to attend 2019 International Youth Leadership Finance Summit (2019 IYLFS) organized by Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF) Master of Finance in Shanghai, China on January 22nd. The Competition The competition gathered high achieving students from leading Universities around the world who […]

Lacking experience of the working world?

Applying for a new job can be daunting. The fear of the unknown is not one we humans are great at getting our head’s around. And for us students, this process can be even more challenging. Often there aren’t enough hours in the day to take in the vast quantity of information we are given. […]

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