Surrey Careers blog

Official blog of the University of Surrey's Employability and Careers Centre

If you have a serious interest in Japan, a Daiwa Scholarship could be the route for you!

The Daiwa Scholarship is open to UK graduates (or due to graduate 2018) in any subject apart from Japanese Studies (there is also Daiwa Scholarships in Japanese Studies for Japanese Studies graduates). It is a unique, 19-month programme of language study, work placement and homestay in Japan, following a month of Japanese language tuition in […]

5 Top Tips for Creative Job Seeking

We are all familiar with the traditional ways to job search: online vacancy sites, newspapers, recruitment agencies, visiting the Job Centre and word of mouth. But what if you’re interested in a sector where it’s challenging to find vacancies and some jobs are never even advertised? This requires a broader job search and thinking outside […]

Making next summer WORK for you!

Demonstrating work experience in your chosen field alongside your university studies is becoming ever more crucial. According to a recent survey by The Times, the graduate jobs market has shown only modest growth of 1.8% and graduates with no work experience are highly unlikely to be offered graduate positions according to a study of graduate […]

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