Surrey Careers blog

Official blog of the University of Surrey's Employability and Careers Centre

Graduating in 2017? Here’s what you need to think about…

With final year exams looming, studying takes priority, but spare a thought for your future career! To help make the transition from university to work a little easier, the Employability & Careers Centre share what you need to be thinking about in the coming months… Know your career options Not sure where to start with […]

Celebrating success at the PTY Student of the Year Awards!

On 28th March 2017, the Employability and Careers Centre hosted the Professional Training (PT) Student of the Year Awards to recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions of our students during their placement year in industry. The experiences our PTY students have had while out on placement have been quite remarkable. Their impact has ranged from […]

Dedicated Careers Support for Researchers at the University

Are you currently undertaking your PhD or working at the University as an Early Career Researcher? We are excited to announce that you now have dedicated Careers Advisers to support you when planning your future career. Fiona Thie and Hayley Cordingley are based in the Employability & Careers Centre (in the Philip Marchant building), but […]

A career working in sales: myths, tips, and the skills you need to succeed

You might not think you want to pursue a sales career after graduation. Yet, having strong selling skills is an integral part of building a successful career – whether it be investment banking, law, accounting, pharmaceuticals, travel, education, retail, or starting your own business. Even interviewing for a job requires good selling skills. At our recent […]

One World Week: A Spotlight on International Placement Projects

This week celebrates One World Week at the University of Surrey. Developed by the One World Week Charity, the aim is to raise awareness of the rich cultural diversity we are lucky to have within our student body, as well as encouraging students from all backgrounds to expand their views of the world we live […]

Video interviews: live vs recorded and how to embrace this new technology

More and more graduate recruiters are using video interviews as part of their recruitment process. There are two different types of ‘video interviews’; live videos via a tool such as Skype, or recorded video interviews, which consists of a series of pre-recorded questions with no face-to-face interaction. Whichever method is used, both can be a […]

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