Employability at Surrey

University of Surrey is currently ranked 6th in the Guardian. One of the reasons is because Surrey is working on improving students’ employability and 97% of our 2013 graduates were in work (or further study) six months after graduation. First, the professional placement programme is a popular choice for students. Professional placement year happens between […]

Involving- joining societies

Happy Chinese New Year! Wish the year of goat will be a fruitful and happy year for all of you! If you are a student at University of Surrey, you will automatically become a member of University of Surrey Students’ Union (USSU). USSU offers over 100 clubs and sports societies that you can join and involve […]

Escaping England- Trip to Prague

As mentioned in my previous entries, there is one week of “break” after examinations in the first semester. This period of time is where you don’t have lots of work, lectures nor deadline, as well as the time where you can find relatively cheaper flight tickets to other countries! During my first year, I went […]

Exploring cities- Southern England (1)

  During your stay at the United Kingdom, apart from gaining a good degree from Surrey, it’s also about exploring and stepping out your comfort zone. As students at university, time is flexible and I always try to manage the time to leave Guildford and see new things.   Weekends, Christmas holiday, reading week and […]

Examinations- academic atmosphere at Surrey

Finally it’s the end of exam period, hope everyone did well and can have some good rest after it! At University of Surrey, there are two semesters per academic year with a total of 8 modules. Some subjects only count assignments or tests as the final mark. Otherwise, exams are on the 13th and 14th […]

Surviving? Food (2) – Take away/ Restaurants

Pheww exams are finally over! Should definitely celebrate by eating at somewhere good! To continue my “surviving” series, let’s talk about any other food available that you don’t have to cook or prepare anything at ALL!   Ordering take away is one of the best things on earth when you are lazily lying on your […]

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