Surrey meets India

An insight into life at Surrey from three current Indian students.

The Big Welcome

Hi Guys! It’s been a while since my last post. Trust me I have been really busy. Having started my course in the middle of the pandemic, university has always been quiet. Then came Fresher’s 21 and now the uni is jam-packed with people and various events. It almost feels like I have landed on […]

Covid-19 guidelines to keep in mind…

Welcome to Surrey, Freshers ’21! Hope you all are having fun in the fresher’s week! Make the most out of the events happening around the campus and get the latest information about these events from these official Instagram pages of the University- @uniofsurrey, @surreyunion, @surreylib, @surreystudent, @isasurrey, @surreypostgrads, @surreycareers, @thisisguildford etc. Students who are pursuing masters can become […]

Getting involved at Surrey- Clubs and Societies

Starting university in a different country can be exciting and daunting at the same time. You need time to settle down, make friends and get to know the place. Having friends with whom you can connect makes life a lot easier in a foreign country. They don’t necessarily have to be from your country or […]

Guildford; the town you will fall in love with!

The University of Surrey is situated in the quintessential town, Guildford, in the Southern part of England. The town owes its location to the existence of a gap in the North Downs where the River Wey is forded by the Harrow Way. It’s famous for its historic cobbled High Street and the town centre which […]

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