Library News

News from the University of Surrey Library

Further information about Colourism

As my Student Curation comes to a close, I just wanted to highlight some useful links if you’re interested in reading more, or finding guidance and support about the subject of colourism: Embrace Race EmbraceRace was founded in early 2016 by two parents who set out to create the community and gather the resources they […]

Exam time in the Library

With exams fast approaching we know that many of you will be considering where to sit your online exams. This is what we have to offer in the Library: We have a number of individual study rooms that can be booked in advance through our booking system on a first come first served basis for […]

‘Blackness’ – a poem by Yewande Adebowale

I am the raven blackness of nightthe thick ebony of gaboon rootsI am the dark pigmentation of skinand the apparent identity of race I am that river that will never run dryflowing from firm originsI am the uncracked kernel endowed by earthI am the blackness of charcoal on coloured canvas I am the hands waving […]

What is Colourism?

According to the National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ), Colourism is: “A practice of discrimination by which those with lighter skin are treated more favourable than those with darker skin. This practice is a product of racism in that the white standard of beauty is upheld and benefits white people in the institutions of […]

Welcome to Catherine – our virtual Student Curator for this month’s theme: ‘Colourism’

Colourism: Beauty in every colour Hello. My name is Catherine Chibuzo Anyanwu, and I am an MSc Digital Marketing and Channel Management student. I am the virtual Student Curator for this month’s theme: Colourism; being dark skinned and African is something I learnt to appreciate and embrace with great pride as it is makes me […]

Library power disruption Saturday 17 April

Due to essential maintenance work taking place across the Stag Hill campus on the morning of Saturday 17 April there will be a loss of power to the Library building. This is due to happen at some point between 8.30 and 10.30am and although the expectation is that power will be lost only for a […]

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