Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Happy 2017!

Happy 2017 everyone! I’ve just returned back to university after spending Christmas, New Year’s & my birthday in Malaysia. It was so good to be back home: with family, amazing food and continuous sunshine. I’ve definitely become 10 shades darker after just 2+ weeks in Malaysian weather. Whilst at home, my family and I went […]

2017’s Gonna Be Great I Just Know It!

Hey guys! I hope you’re all feeling the new aspirations and dreams that come with the new year <3 I certainly am! For new years I decided to spend it in London. I got super excited to watch the annual London New Years Eve fireworks (like really excited that I bought the tickets 2 months […]


Hey guys, its me again. Before I start, just wanna wish all of you a very happy new year! Pray that this new year will be a great one for all of you with new experiences and achievements! 🙂 I still remember myself counting down to year 2016 with our Malaysian Society Ms President- Debbie […]

Silver Linings In A Cloudy London Week

Hey guys, how are you all feeling today? I am feeling amaaazing! So winter holidays started around 2 weeks ago and that’s why I’ve been a little MIA. Mainly, my break consisted of me hopping around the UK and also visiting Spain and Denmark. I’m still in the process of editing the vlog for the […]

Hillsong Carols 2016!

Hey everyoneeee! How’s everyone doing? Christmas is just one week away and everywhere is just so Christmas-sy now! 🙂 Before we start I would really like to say hello to our 2 new Malaysian ambassadors- Catherine and Iman! Everyone let’s welcome them with a big round of applause! 😛 So in the coming days hopefully […]

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