Surrey meets Malaysia

Keeping up with the lives of Malaysian students currently studying at Surrey

Moving to London!

Hello everyoneeeeee! I’m back finally to blog! 😀 Really sorry for disappearing for so long as I’ve been really busy with finalising my dissertation, house moving and working the past few weeks. Life hasn’t been that intense before since coming to UK 🙁 . So how’s everyone been? For all those freshers that just started […]

Till we meet again, Surrey :)

Heyyyyy everyone! Sorry for the super late post as I’ve been really busy packing and moving out from my accommodation last week. But no worries! I’m back again and will be blogging as usual so you guys could read all my latest updates  eventhough I’m not in campus anymore 🙂 Although it’s a little late, […]

Welcome to University of Surrey, Freshers!

Hiiii everyone! How’s everyone doing this week? I’ve been very busy again on my dissertation as usual, and also stressing out trying to look for jobs and accommodation as I’m trying to stay here until April’17 when it’s our postgraduate graduation ceremony. Finding an internship or proper job here is really tough, especially for international […]

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